You can see the tangled growth at the base of the lilac in this shot from June 2019.
Even though it is just a common lilac, the flowers are pretty and very fragrant.
Despite the pockets of snow, the dogs and I spent a good part of yesterday afternoon out in the garden. The temperature was mild enough for me to ditch my winter jacket and get to work pruning a neglected lilac. While this is not the proper time of year to prune a lilac (you could cut off all this year's flower buds if you aren't confident in what you're doing) I find it helpful to get a headstart on simple tasks like removing spindly suckers before I get overwhelmed with a long list of other pressing spring chores. That and it's nice to be puttering around outside in the sunshine!
Like me, I am sure you are beginning to draw up a spring wishlist. What interests me these days are plants with unique foliage and flowers. With that in mind, I've put together a list of new introductions from Terra Nova Nurseries that have captured my imagination. And as I promised earlier in the year, I'm also going to highlight some older introductions I think are worth seeking out.
A word about Terra Nova® Nurseries. They use tissue culture to propagate and grow both annuals and perennials. Based in Canby Oregon, they have introduced over a thousand new plants to market.
As a wholesale propagation nursery, Terra Nova does not sell directly to the public. On their website, they have a handy page that will help you locate a retailer in your state or province that sells their plants (Sadly for Canadians on the East Coast and in Saskatchewan, Terra Nova is underrepresented).
Some of the New Plants for 2020
Geum Tempo™ Rose from Terra Nova® Nurseries
Other Perennials that Caught my Eye:
Thalictrum Nimbus™ White has clouds of white flowers and fern-like foliage. The flowers age to lavender-pink seed heads. This perennial prefers moist, humus-rich soil but adapts well to average soil with good drainage. Part-shade. Height: 28 inches, Spread: 16 inches. USDA zones: 5-9.
I have a quite number of Bleeding Hearts, but I don't have this cultivar with its combination of golden leaves and white flowers.
I can just imagine Dicentra 'White Gold' mixed in with tulips and daffodils. Beautiful! Again, it's a great option for the shady area of your garden (although, based on experience with similar 'Gold Heart', I would recommend part-shade for the best leaf color).
Dicentra 'White Gold' has heart-shaped white flowers and golden leaves on a vigorous plant. This perennial prefers moist, loamy soil. Part to full shade. Height: 24-30 inches, Spread: 36 inches. USDA zones: 4-8.
Geum Petticoats™ Peach has semi-double peach flowers on a compact plant with green foliage. Moist, loamy soil is prefered. Reblooms. Full sun. Height: 10-12 inches, Spread: 20 inches. USDA zones: 5-9.
Every year I try to invest in at least one new hosta with interesting features. Here are two with very attractive reddish-purple accents:
Yet another personal favourite is Penstemon (I already have Penstemon 'Husker Red' and 'Dark Towers'). Many of the newer introductions aren't hardy here, but I was very excited to see two that are reputed to be tough, hardy perennials:
I thought I would also throw in a few annuals that caught my attention. Some people struggle with Rex Begonias, but I seem to have good luck with them. I keep them as houseplants year-round in an east-facing window. Each spring, I divide them and move the divisions outdoors to fill part-shade containers.

I hope this post has inspired you to add a few plants to your own wishlist for 2020.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Photos in this post are courtesy of Terra Nova Nurseries.
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I'm itching to get into the garden. I live in central Ontario and we don't see any signs of spring until May, then the summer season comes hard and fast. I will be ready with my trowel to dig in new plants, can't wait!
ReplyDeleteAs it does for you Julie, true spring weather does not arrive for me until May. In the meantime, I take advantage of mild weather when it makes an appearance. By mid-March I am suffering from a little cabin fever. Any excuse to be outside even if it involves getting a few chores done.
DeleteOMG!! I love your garden!
ReplyDeleteIs not easy to find such plants in Spain. I love Dicentras, but here is not very usual in gardencenters.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.
Love from Spain
Thank you for stopping by Sandra. The pictures are from the Terra Nurseries site and I am grateful to be able to show them to readers.
DeleteIt has been mild enough to garden here, Jennifer, but I haven't done very much outside yet. I wish I had started on the pruning -- I keep telling myself that it is very early. You show some lovely plants. I love them all, but especially the Thalictrum. And I would like to try the Penstemon having not been able to over-winter one up to now. Great posting! P. x
ReplyDeleteHi Pam, I find spring is so busy!! That's why I like to do a little pruning now. Yesterday I noticed rabbits have been doing some pruning of their own. LOL! I certainly won't have to do anything to the hydrangea by the back door. They've cut it down to a little over a foot in height.
ReplyDeleteYes, I really want to see if I can get a hold of that Thalictrum. It's a perennial that deserves to be better known. I have been able to over winter 'Dark Towers' and 'Husker Red', so I would certainly recommend them. I find Penstemon need full sun and good drainage. I have a small patch of 'Dark Towers' in part-shade and it is struggling a little. I certainly love to add one of the Dakota series this spring.
Such lovely new plants. I love the penstemon. And I'm digging that hosta with the burgundy stems. I love hostas! Thanks for sharing these new introductions!
ReplyDeleteI love both the Penstemon I featured and really would love to get my hands on a few plants. You can't beat hosta for shade, can you? I definitely want to treat myself to a new one this spring. Happy gardening Margaret!
DeleteHi Jennifer! So thoroughly enjoyed this post! Just can't wait for all the rain and muck to cease and be able to get out more often to see what's coming up. Last week my purple hellebore started blooming, and of course so many perennials are starting to break through the ground. It's hard, as you know, with multiple dogs to keep things clean. We have 4 rescues; 2 are hospice, one is perfect, and 1 is a psycho who loves being out all morning and early afternoon, even in pouring rain! She'll come in for a few minutes to yell at me how wonderful it is and run back out. I've finally got enough fencing to keep them out of all my beds, so I'm hoping this year I'll see a lot more growth and things not trampled. I very much enjoy every one of your posts, and when I can't get out I go back and reread yours from the beginning. You are such a talented gardener, photographer, and writer! Thank you so much for your blog and sharing all your talents with us!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to leave such a long and very positive comment. It means a lot. I can relate to the problem of keeping things clean. I was just out with the dogs and had to wash their feet and undersides. They also left some paw prints on my kitchen floor. I am off to mop it all up. All the best and take care in these worrying times!