
Friday, February 19, 2016

Me and my new little Buddy

At first I didn't know what to think of him.

Seemingly out of nowhere, this little creature up and appeared.

The old dog and I already had a routine worked out.

I mean, whose ball did he think it was anyway?

 And he was always causing trouble!

More than once I had to give him a piece of my mind!

But even I had to admit, he was pretty darned loveable.

There's just one problem.

He hogs the entire bed!

How am I ever supposed going to get some decent rest now?

 Have a nice weekend everyone!


  1. A little cute puppy, Jennifer. They say: All kids are very nice when they're sleeping.

  2. So very adorable, I love this post. Great they are going so well together.

  3. Oh my goodness - simply gorgeous, both of them! A wonderful series of photos. ♥
    Have a lovely weekend!

  4. What precious photos! That pup is darling and I love how the older dog puts up with him. Wish my pup would stop biting so that the cats could put up with her!

    Happy weekend!


  5. What a lovely puppy, Jennifer! Happy weekend!

  6. Twice the pleasure and twice the love!

  7. Dear Jennifer:
    What wonderful photos and darling dogs! Happiness!

  8. Jennifer girl you took such beautiful pictures of your furry kids and the new addition is of course too precious .. I have a huge smile on my face looking at them.
    There is nothing like a new puppy to make everyone grin big time : )
    BTW ... I love that header picture , it is stunning !
    Hope you like the Lamb's Ears as much as I do and yes keep them from putting out flower stalks and they will stay neat and tidy for you (they can wander a bit but it can be a bonus point if you want more .. other wise they go in the brown bags)
    Joy : )

  9. Oh! I so enjoyed this post. They are all so cute and I love the way they have become a family. You are now back once again to three dogs in the garden. Hooray!

  10. Loved the post and the new puppy. How cute... Wants to be part of the family.

  11. What a beautiful puppy! Looks like an adorably lovable mischief maker.

  12. Gorgeous dogs, the puppy is so cute and the older dog so patient, and it is easy to see the story told in photos. I enjoyed your post.

  13. Awwwww what a sweet story. Loved it. The dogs are wonderful!! Thanks for sharing.

  14. What a beautiful Life.................

  15. Jennifer, the dogs are adorable, but your pictures are great! Love them!

  16. Your fur babies are precious! I have three dogs too and it is an interesting dynamic. Two are litter mates and one is a rescue. They certainly provide a lot of entertainment. I'm glad that little one is settling in and looks like he has won everyone's heart.

  17. So cute!!! I'm sure that your older dog is just as much in love with him as you are!

  18. I am DYING over how sweet he is. Oh my gosh. And the two of them together. So, so sweet.

  19. Oh that is so very adorable. I am still missing our dear Aussies (both died this past year) so very much. Still can't get my husband to agree that we 'need' another one. I adored seeing these photos!

  20. I showed Kevin a photo and he said, "Well of course she's going to bring the little guy." I told him no. Big pout. We think he's one of the cutest puppies out there. See you soon.

  21. OMG...what an adorable could you not bring him home.

  22. ADORABLE. Your older doggie looks completely satisfied, if you ask me. I saw a smiling face in more than one photo. Congrats on the new family member!

  23. It looks like they have become very good friends, Jennifer, and the two of them together are just adorable!
    Please keep us posted, as the little one grows. :-)

  24. Oh my goodness, he's too adorable for words! I couldn't have resisted this face either. Looks like his two brothers are happy to have him in the family, too. Congratulations on the new addition!

  25. No words! I want to reach through my screen and touch that precious baby fur. Dogs are so good at accepting whatever comes their way. My cat would have a nervous breakdown if I brought a puppy or kitten home!

  26. Oh my gosh your new little buddy is so adorable! Congrats to all.

  27. I have puppy envy! I can't remember my sheltie as a puppy anymore but I will always remember what a good dog he was. I'm hoping we can get the kids (me) a puppy when our yard it complete and dog friendly. I am happy for your and your new pup!

  28. Just super and adorable ...
    Loved all the photo's

    All the best Jan


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