
Monday, April 29, 2013

Garden Ornaments 2013:Everything from Weird to Wacky to Cute

As gnomes go, this guy is kinda cute.

Honestly, I think you should put whatever ornaments suit your fancy in your garden. It is your private space after all! 

There are some pretty offbeat choices available though, and I can't resist poking a bit of fun at some of them. 

For me, the oddest trend in garden ornaments for this year is: Scary! 

Still, if your goal is to frighten trespassers, this cobra might come in handy. 

On the other hand, he also might frighten away family and friends. I know my mother wouldn't step foot inside the back gate if she knew there was a snake, even if it was a plastic one, lurking in my garden.

What do you think of these guys? 

Could they possibly be so freaky emerging out of some leafy greens that they might be a bit tongue-in-cheek funny?

Hmm....look at those eyes though. They kinda creep me out. Too Adams Family for my tastes I think!

Here is scary of a different kind. 

God forbid the dogs get used to this statuesque fellow and assume that all skunks are this harmless.

Got problems with racoons or birds eating the fish in your pond? 

He may be smiling, but I bet this guy might send Mr. Racoon running for cover.

I also saw lots of bird themed ornaments at my local garden centre. I like chickens and roosters, but I am just not sure about this brightly colored plastic one. 

Where would you put him anyway? In your vegetable garden maybe?

These owls are sort of sweet.

For me, Out-of-Africa themed ornaments will always seem like an odd choice for a non-tropical, 
North American garden.

A few years ago garden gnomes experienced a brief vogue when a children's movie featuring the chubby-cheeked little characters hit the big screen.

Now three years later the last of those racks of garden gnomes are on final clearance.

These poor little guys have yellow discount stickers slapped right in the middle of their foreheads. 

Not their most dignified moment for sure!

Three Dogs in a Garden? 

No thanks! I think I'll stick with the real thing.

P.S. The golfing chimp from last year's stock is still available at the nursery. Any takers?


  1. Hi Jennifer...well, there's definitely something for everyone here. I think I'll stick with my birdhouses and other cottage cuties! That golfing chimp just gives me the creeps (and I play golf!)

  2. Okay, I do like the owls. I could see owls in my garden. :)

  3. Funny gardenornaments but sorry not for my garden, haha.

  4. Hi Jennifer
    OK - these are definitely weird and wacky. The only cute ones are your doggies!!!
    But you are correct - different strokes for different folks, so it's good that there's a lot of selection.
    Today proved to be rainier and cooler than predicted so I wasn't out. But I will be going to a few garden centres very soon - just to scout stuff out. I will watch for interesting garden ornaments - thx for bringing them to our attention.

  5. Some of these would be fun in the right type of garden. Personally, I think you've sold me on the crocodile! I need that if it will help get rid of our raccoons!

  6. Hey Jen,

    You're cracking me up today. But I love the 3 See No Evil chimps. Maybe with jungle containers with palm trees et. al. Could walk the line between gaudy and truly inspired. Thoughts?

    1. As a designer/stylist I like a challenge and like the idea that anything can made to work with a little inspiration. A jungle container and tropical plants might be the perfect backdrop for the 3 See No Evil chimps.

  7. Fun post! :) I really do like those little owls...and I feel quite sorry for the clearance gnomes (although you'd never find one in my garden). It's actually quite interesting to see the trends with garden ornaments and how they reflect pop culture at any given moment! Those zombiesque ones would really appeal to certain people, I think!

    Sheryl @ Flowery Prose

  8. Oh dear, where is the classic look? Guess there's something for everyone out there. But not gnomes, I guess. Poor fellas - 50% off already.

  9. HA! There really are some outrageous choices out there! I have seen many different things in gardens but those scary whatever you call them seem more Halloween to goodness...who on earth would want that in their garden? They would scare the plants!!!! But it takes all kinds I suppose!

  10. How funny, wonder who buys all of? We have a nursery by us that also carries tons of these yard decorations. I do like garden decor but I have to reign myself in so I don't overdo it.


  11. some people must buy them - I must admit I have a soft spot for gnomes. Your 3 dogs do look more characterful than the ornamental ones, but for some people the ornamental ones are preferable because they do not poop! (If they do then that's really really scary...)

  12. Some very kitch stuff but give me the real furry kind of animals any day ! Gnomes are banned at Chelsea and a good job too !

  13. Your garden center has more statuary than any I've ever seen! Is the giant gorilla still there? Scary as a garden theme seems weird to me. Having that cobra in the garden would drive me crazy!

  14. I feel sad writing to say there is not one ornament there I would put in my garden. Perhaps I am too rigid...perhaps not wild enough. But your three dogs in the garden..perfect for mine too.

    Great post.

  15. I remember your post from last year! Hard to believe the chimp is still available, right!?!

  16. I'm all for humor, but these are pretty awful! However, my husband gravitates toward cheesy garden ornaments, so I (sadly) have a few choice specimens in my yard as well.

  17. I don't think any of those garden statues are to my liking.... you never know what will show up in your garden though.

  18. I think I am shopping in all the wrong places....

  19. I much prefer your "three dogs in a garden" to any of these ornaments:) I do feel a bit sorry for all those gnomes, though; I do hope they find a home soon. Wish I had taken my camera with me the day my daughter and I visited a craft fair in Dallas. One stall had the funniest ornaments I'd ever seen--metal creations that looked like the gremlins from the movie of that name and were like garden guerrillas. Some carried hand grenades, and others bazookas. A pair of them were carrying off a garden gnome:)

  20. I have never had a desire to see anything like this in my garden, though I have been given my fair share of turtle and bird statues over the years (when you are designated "gardener", you get all sorts of things at Christmas and birthdays). Though I would much rather see a golfing chimp in my garden than some sort Greco/Roman god or goddess. I have never understood that.

  21. Thanks for the smile..... tho there are some very "cute" pieces...... think my garden is full.... although maybe I could squeeze in a gnome...

  22. There are certainly cute to weird pieces but i think i'll stick to my conservative garden ornaments like rain chains, cupolas, bird baths, sun dials. Although i love the rotweiler puppy statue!

  23. were can I buy the creepy guys coming out the ground

    1. The creepy guys coming out of the ground were photographed at Humber Nurseries in Brampton, Ontario.


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