
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Running with the Big Boys: A Pup-date

So how did three older dogs respond to the introduction of a young upstart? Total indifference really.
That's okay, the enthusiasm was mutual. Mator greeted his new friends with a deep, throat rumbling growl that was a warning for them to keep their distance.

The dust has settled somewhat now and Mator has started to run with the big boys. 

Actually, I think Mator has begun to feel like he is the one in charge.


  1. He is sooo cute and your big dogs are so beautiful. Their coats look amazing :)

  2. Totally gorgous (and of course he is, haha)! Love your dogs! :-)

  3. OMG What an insanely cute little dog!! Please tell ... where did you get him from, how old?

  4. To cudownie, że duże psy bawią się przyjacielsko z małym. Pozdrawiam
    It's wonderful that big, beautiful dogs playing with a little friendly. Yours

  5. LOL! Looks like it fits right in and was welcomed. Cutie!

  6. Hey Jennifer,
    It's always exiting if the other dogs accept the new one. I am pleased to read that everything is going well with your new dog. It's gorgeous.
    Have a nice evening.
    gr. Marijke

  7. Thanks for your comments everyone. Mator is 5 months old. He was a Christmas gift to my daughter-in law from her mother, so I am sorry, but I do not know where she got him. He is a corgi/schnauzer mix.

  8. Oh, he is just too adorable! I loved seeing these delightful action shots of him with his Big Brothers. They, of course, are beautiful...oops, Boys! HANDSOME! Sorry :)

  9. He looks like he is holding his own with the boys. Looks like he has the same coloring they do but not as silky. I remember the year my dog opened several presents under the tree (he was not a pup when he did this).


  10. All three dogs are beautiful and so well groomed. Mator was growling, I expect, cause he was pleased to know he is one of the boys now.

  11. OMGoodness! That picture of the three of them running is wonderful. Those are some beautiful dogs! What a cutie the newest member of the family is!

  12. Oh my, he is adorable! It looks like they are all getting along famously! Great shots!

  13. Mator is terribly cute, and I am glad things are working out. When we introduced our new one to the other two, it was one quick sniff then the cold shoulder. Until she exhibited the habit of wanting to sit on them for some strange reason.

  14. Mator is so adorable! I can see just how much he is enjoying running with the big boys.

  15. He's adorable. From the photos it does look like all of them are getting along just fine.

  16. What a cute pup!! Terriers have take-charge personalities so if your guys don't watch it, he'll be issuing orders!


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