
Friday, January 7, 2011

Color Essay Number 3: Yellow

Watch out for sharks! Yellow ducks in the "Go Fish" Pond for kids at the Brampton Fall Fair.

I always thought that yellow was an unpopular garden color- that was until I did a post entitled "Poor Friendless Yellow". It turns out that I was dead wrong and there are lots of gardeners, who just like me, like yellow flowers.

In my garden, yellow blooms when the daffodils first emerge from the ground in springtime. Then it takes a bit of a break, only to come out in full force mid-summer. Yellow then carries on, taking the lead well into late fall. I can't imagine my garden without it.

With out further delay, here are my favorite yellow pictures taken both in my garden and elsewhere as noted.

Crabapples in a Brockville Ontario park.


Yellow leaves float on the water. Fountain at the Kensington Flea Market, Toronto, Ontario.

Here and above: Yellow plums at the Farmer's Market, Brampton Ontario.

Elaine Rose at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton Ontario.

Daylily, We're in the Hayfield Nursery, Ontario. I have several lemon colored daylilies in my garden and they are a refreshing change from the more popular pink and orange varieties.

Goldenrod, Edwards Gardens, Toronto, Ontario.

Wild Brown-Eyed Susans, Blue Springs Scout Reserve, Ontario.

I count on yellow flowers, that emerge in late summer, to help see me through the fall.


Sunflowers from the garden at Lancaster Public School in Mississauga, Ontario.

 To reduce highway fatalities of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes, signs have been placed throughout the Bruce Peninsula in Ontario.

The last of my creamy yellow groundcover roses.

Brampton, Ontario walking trail.

From my garden, a hosta leaf that has turned yellow in late fall.

I end with a personal favorite- sunflowers from the Brampton Farmer's Market.

Have a great Weekend!


  1. Jennifer, I do love yellow in the garden. In fact, I think I like all colors in the garden, except black and the very deep magentas, just haven't come up with a situation yet where they look good.

    Thanks for such a bright post, raises up our spirits.


  2. Gorgeous photos, I love yellow. The photo of the leaves on the water is really enchanting. (they looked like tiny bright fishes at first) I'm not a huge fan of roses but a yellow rose always stops me in my tracks.

  3. I absolutely love the picture of your creamy yellow rose. Anything in cream, with a hint of yellow, if my all-time favourite. The yellow of the Stella de Oro is the backbone of my small garden, as this plant just keeps on putting on a great show. Your photos make me crave the spring even more so! Have a great weekend!

  4. Those are some beautiful images - yellow is so wonderful in the garden. That last image especially is a great tonic on a cold January morning!

  5. Oh, I just HAD to pop on over as Heathcliff, our budding blogger, was peering over my shoulder and saw your blog's title over on Tatyana's comments page! So, here we are, me and my three dogs (Bonny and Toby, the Sheps came over to see what all the fuss is about!).

    Lovely, bright post :) Yellow was never a colour I actively sought out for my garden, but I have quite a few yellow flowering species now and they do absolutely add their magic in a very cheerful way! My least favourite colour, orange, has also found its way into my garden - and is making me rethink my ideas! Amazing what growing older does to one...I find I'm far more accepting ;)

    We're going to skim through your archives now, so Heathcliff can eyeball your three up close :) and then, it's off to make a pot of Earl Grey tea, for DH & me!

  6. I so enjoy your photos Jennifer - they are gorgeous. Yellow is so cheery and warm and it always makes me smile ;)

  7. Right up my alley, Jennifer, I'm a yellow lover, big time! And as always, a beautiful post. Your walking trail looks just like the woods surrounding our cottage.

  8. Before I checked the caption on the Elaine rose I thought you had snuck a photo of curled butter shavings in there, you know -- the kind of butter sculptures done in fancy restaurants. It is such a creamy rich shade of butter yellow. All your yellow treats look great. I love the late golden pop of black eyed / brown eyed Susans.

  9. So cheery and bright on this snowy winter day here on Long Island. Thanks for the pick-me-up!

  10. These cheery yellows brighten the day. Lovely photos

  11. I like your yellow post. I never like yellow when I was a kid. Now in the garden I realised many of my favourite flowers to grow is yellow like sunflower,calendula and marigold.

  12. I love yellow in the garden and you have presented a lot of outstanding examples here! Those pale butter yellow roses are beautiful. And the golden yellows of the sunflowers and rudbeckia -- all of them.

  13. Thank you so very much for so much sunshiney yellow!! It is so grey and brown outside right now. This photo essay is just what I needed!! :o)

  14. Jennifer, I love yellow in a garden and you showed some fine yellows. The ducks were a cute intro too. I got a big smile.

  15. I think you would love visiting the markets in Montreal - Jean Talon and Atwater are my two favourites. Everything is presented so artfully, truly honouring the glory of the garden's gifts. The Quebecois have artful eyes! From pastries to carrots, cheese to mushrooms, everything is arranged just so. A feast for your hungry camera!

  16. You have some gorgeous photos. I really enjoyed your post. We have photography and gardening in common so I'd love to share my garden photos with you. Please visit my garden at look in photo gallery 1 for all the new photos. I have lots of flower pictures.
    See you in the garden,

  17. I love yellow and would have no color in my garden during the late summer without The Susans! I have noticed that the further you go east the less likely folks are to embrace yellow flowers. But, I may be guilty of generalizing. Your images are delicious by the way~gail

  18. I have a lot of yellow in my garden as well, but not by design, it just happened. I guess after green, yellow is the most common color in the plant world, maybe white would also be a contender.

  19. Hello,
    Simply beautiful photos! I must admit, yellow is one of my least favorite colors. However, the yellow flowers in my gardens are what truly stand out it seems. My favorite is Black Eyed Susan. I think their splendid color and duration of bloom is second to none. Thanks for sharing such lovely images.

  20. Irresistible yellow. I don't have enough of it in my garden. You showed us an amazing range of yellows. I especially liked the duckies and the leaves in water.

  21. Now I feel mellow ... I just love these posts on color - so much fun. I remember reading that in Europe in much earlier times yellow in the garden was for "the commoners." Now, can you even imagine a garden without golden drops of yellow?

  22. Jennifer ~ these are the most gorgeous photos. Yellow is such a happy, cheery color. I love how you showcased it.


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