
Monday, July 12, 2010

The Jason Garden, Mississauga Ontario

Imagine the pleasure after a long day at work of coming home, collapsing into a comfortable chair and sinking your toes into the warm sand, while staring wistfully over the a cool, blue body of water.
Well that is just what these lucky homeowners do! This sublime garden features a large backyard pond, complete with a sandy beach and comfortable adirondack chairs. No need to head to the cottage. Just light the torches and you are in their own private paradise right in the heart of the big city!

Water cascades from the back of the property into the large five foot deep pond.

Koi dart in and out patches of sunlight under the dappled shade of a large ash and crabapple tree.

And the front garden is just as wonderful! Pondless streams fall over rock wind their way among charming plantings.

The creation of the stream beds were so thoughfully and artistically done that they look absolutely natural.

Sparkling water- crisp, fresh and cool!

A robin takes an early morning bath in the cool water.

The contrasting color and textures of Lady's Mantel (top), burgundy Barberry (right) and a flowering hosta makes a pretty picture.

The morning sunlight dances exquisitely on the leaves of an about-to-bloom hosta.

A sedum in bloom looks amazingly like an underwater creature on an exotic coral wreath.

The star-eyed blooms of a Moonbeam Coreopsis.

Do you get the impression that this must be a large property? Well, its really quite modest. Its just that the owners has done tremendous things with a little imagination and a good deal of hard work. The garden was simply magnificent.


  1. What an inspiration. That sandy pond looks amazing.

  2. Wow! What a beautiful garden! I can't get past the beach! Great idea!


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